Contemporary Headshot

Short History of Modern Actors Headshot

In this article, I would like to explore the fascinating history of modern actors headshots, tracing their evolution from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood in the 1930s to the present day. Join me as we take a journey through time, exploring the changes and trends that have shaped this crucial aspect of the entertainment industry.

The Golden Age of Hollywood (1930s-1950s)

There’s never been a better place to start than Hollywood. In the early days of Hollywood, headshots played a vital role in the casting process, perhaps more so than nowdays. As the film industry flourished, actors and actresses relied on these photographs to catch the attention of casting directors and studio executives.

During this period, black and white headshots were the norm and of course, everything was captured on film. More like portraits in fact, actors headshots were often meticulously staged, with careful attention paid to lighting and composition. Actors would typically pose in formal attire, exuding charisma and sophistication. These headshots were often produced in a studio setting, with professional photographers capturing the essence of the actor’s persona. Paramount studio distinguised themselves by producing images with hard lights and strong shadows and loads of contrast. Thesew will appear to look very dramatic to the contemporary viewer. In the UK, actors headshots used to be black and white until 2010. One of the first portrait photographers to adopt this technique was George Hurrell. His work with Paramount lighting is considered by many, the best and most iconic in Hollywood history. He used it for his portraits of movie stars such as Marlene Dietrich, Clark Gable, and Greta Garbo.

Modern Actor Headshot and Business Headshot Photography in London
Jeffrey Lynn
(Circa 1938)
Modern Actor Headshot and Business Headshot Photography in London
Robert Montgomery (MGM)
Circa 1930
Modern Actor Headshot and Business Headshot Photography in London
Warner Baxter (Fox Films)
Circa 1920

The Rise of Color Photography and New Techniques (1960s-1980s)

With the advent of color photography in the 1960s, actors headshots underwent a significant transformation. Actors now had the opportunity to showcase their true colours, looks, style, and personality in vibrant hues. Color headshots added a new dimension to the casting process, allowing directors to assess an actor’s suitability for a particular role more accurately.

During this period, headshots became less formal and more relaxed. Natural lighting and outdoor settings became increasingly popular, giving rise to headshots that reflected a more authentic and approachable image. Actors were often photographed in casual attire, capturing their versatility and range.

Digital Age and the Age of Personal Branding (1990s-Present)

The rise of digital technology revolutionised the entertainment industry, including the way headshots were taken and distributed. In the 2000s, digital cameras replaced traditional film, making the process more convenient and cost-effective. Actors could now review and select their best shots instantaneously, resulting in a more efficient casting process.

Moreover, the emergence of the internet and social media platforms further transformed the landscape of actors headshots. Actors began to view their headshots not only as a means to secure auditions but also as a personal branding tool. Headshots became an opportunity to showcase an actor’s unique style, personality, and versatility, aiming to create a lasting impression on casting directors, agents, and audiences alike.

Today, actor headshots are diverse and reflect the individuality of each artist. Traditional studio portraits still have their place, but environmental portraits, capturing actors in their natural surroundings, have become increasingly popular. Additionally, headshots now often include variations in expression, showcasing the actor’s range and versatility. With the ubiquity of online casting platforms, headshots are essential in helping actors stand out in a highly competitive industry.

Modern Actors Headshots London
Modern Actors Headshots and Business Headshot Photography in London
Modern Actors Headshots and Business Headshot Photography in London


From the glamorous black and white headshots of the Golden Age to the personalised and versatile digital portraits of today, actor headshots have evolved significantly over the years. These photographs not only serve as a means of getting noticed but also provide a glimpse into the ever-changing trends and styles of the entertainment industry. As we move into the future, it will be fascinating to see how actors headshots continue to adapt to the evolving needs and technology of the entertainment world. AI will soon be able to generate photos of anyone in under any setting.

The history of the actor headshot crosses both the corporate and performing art worlds and this is where I stand as a photographer.

Modern Actors Headshots and Business Headshot Photography in London



The Contemporary Headshot
Actor Headshot and business portrait photographer

Actors Headshot Photography
Business Headshot Photography
Business Portrait Photography

Offering business clients, actors and performers unique modern headshots and portraits. 100% satisfied or your money back. My headshots are ready for Casting Directors , Spotlight , Mandy , StarNow , LinkedIn or any other social media site.

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