Faith is a photography project concept I’m working on. The project will document the faith journey of individuals from the initial calling to the present day. Using both photography and storytelling, the output will be used to share your story and inspire others. You must be over 18 years of age to participate in this project.
It’s FREE to participate and all you have to do is be ready to share your story and have a FREE professional photo taken. In order for me to share your photos and story with a wider audience (e.g. exhibition, book, magazine, website) , I need you to complete and sign this form (at the bottom of the page). Please note there’s no remuneration for participating in this project
– You will be asked to sign this form (the model release form)
– You will be asked to answer a few questions about what faith means to you and how it manifests in your daily life
– Based on your answers I will put together a short summary of your answers (the narrative)
– You / Worth Abbey will get to review/amend the narrative until you are happy that it represents your story accurately
– A photography session will be organised so that your portrait can be taken
– You will be given all the photos in a digital format (via a link)
– Worth Abbey will be given all the photos and narratives so that both can be displayed on the website (Via a link)
– I will choose a photo to associate to the narrative
– You and Worth Abbey will choose a photo to associate to the narrative
– Your photo and narrative might be used on my website, a photography exhibition, the monastery’s website (Worth Abbey) or a book for the purpose of inspiring others
You and Worth Abbey will always have a full view of the final output and what is published. Your photo and narrative/ story will only be used in the context of the Faith project.
Please note that your participation in this project doesn’t mean that your photo will be exhibited or published. This will depend on the spaces available to display photos and the curation process.
All the information provided will only be shared with the organisations organising this project (Worth Abbey and the Contemporary Headshot) and will be processed in accordance with the privacy policy listed on this website. All your answers are safe and any information that could precisely identify you will not be published if you do not want to e.g Surname. Your story is collected through an interview, a phone call or via the form on the website (This form). Answers can be in English or your preferred language.
You can request to have this information amended or deleted at any point by emailing or contacting using the contact form on this website.
Model Release Form
A Model Release Form (this form) establishes a contract between the photographer and the model (you), defines how and where photographs may be used. It protects both the photographer and the you in the event of any dispute – provided the parties have abided by the terms of the release.
Legal Background
The law in relation to the right to use a person’s photographic image is not codified in one simple English law. Whilst the copyright in any photographs taken of a person will almost always be with the photographer (or the photographer’s employer), there is a whole raft of laws under which, potentially, a person might be able to prevent legally the publication of the person’s image. These laws include:
1) Section 85 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 which provides that a person commissioning a photograph for private and domestic purposes has the right to prevent copies being publicly issued.
2) The Data Protection Act 2018 (the “DPA”) (which implements the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679 ) into UK law) under which an image, particularly used in association with the person’s name, could amount personal data and therefore use without the model’s consent could amount to a breach of the DPA.
3) Breach of confidence. Whilst there is no statutory law of privacy in the UK, case law relating to breach of confidence is gradually being developed to prevent unauthorised publication of an individual’s image (usually a celebrity).
4) The law of contract. The engagement of a model would usually amount to a contract. Express or implied contract terms may govern what may or may not be done with a photographic image.
To ensure that the photographer can lawfully use the photographs taken of the person for the purpose the photographer requires, consent should be obtained from the model and this is primary purpose of the model release form (this form).
In the unlikely event of a disagreement, English law will be used to determine any dispute involving the model release form.
The Photographer : The Contemporary Headshot
The Model (You) – Your full name as stated on form
The following words shall have the following meanings:
The Photographs: the photographs taken of you
The Model: The name you specify below in the form or you are giving me (you)
The Narrative: the summary of your story and what you want to share about your faith
The Project: The Faith Project as described in the introduction
The Model (you) agrees with the Photographer to the Consent, the Assignment/Waiver/Agreement and Other Provisions below in return for:
-Free & full use of photos delivered in a digital format (both high resolution for printing) and low resolution (for web use))
-A summary of your story based on the interview or the answer on the form below (which you can review and amend) – The narrative
The Model irrevocably consents to the Photographer and Worth Abbey using the Photographs for the following purpose:
– Public display (in the context of an exhibition either online (e.g. a website)or at a physical location)
– Display on Worth Abbey website or any publication (digital or analogue) by Worth Abbey
– Portfolio display (e.g. on the photographer’s website with or without the narrative)
– Publication in any media (paper & digital) in the context of the project Faith and always linked to the narrative
The Model irrevocably consents to the Photographer and Worth Abbey using the Photographs in the following locations:
-United Kingdom & Worldwide
Subject to the Restrictions below (if any), the Model:
-assigns to the Photographer any interest in the copyright in the Photographs that the Model may have;
– waives any right to any payment / future payment for the use of any of the Photographs for any purpose to which the Model has consented; and
– agrees that the Photographs may be altered or modified in any manner using editing software (for the purpose of enhancing the photo)
– The Photographs shall not represent the Model in any derogatory manner.
– The narrative will be reviewed and approved by you and shall not misrepresent the individual and their statements
– The model will only be named in association with a photo for the purpose of this Project (Faith) – this is either your full name or the name you provide for the purpose of this project e.g. first name only
Other Provisions:
– The Model agrees that the terms of this Model Release Form are for the benefit of the Photographer and any licensee or assignee of the Photographer.
– By signing this form, the Model confirms that the Model is at least 18 years old.
– This Model Release Form shall be governed by English law.
– The Model has the right to exercise its rights as a data subject under the DPA/GDPR at any time by writing to the Photographer at . This will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out by the Photographer before the Model withdraw their consent.
– The Photographer is the data controller and responsible for the personal data comprising the Photograph, the information provided via online form or during the interview (notes, digital recording), the Model’s contact details and any related personal data. See Privacy Policy to learn how your data is protected.
– The Photographer will (i) ensure that it complies with the requirements of all legislation and regulatory requirements in force from time to time relating to the use of the Photograph and your personal details. ; and (ii) process the Photograph and your details and any related personal data in accordance with the privacy policy. Listed on the website.